Should You Pay Your Child To Do Chores?

Should You Pay Your Child To Do Chores
Should You Pay Your Child To Do Chores

Raising children is an exciting journey, and as parents, you may come to ask yourself a few questions when seeking to find the best way to bring up your children. “Should children be paid for doing chores?” is one of the questions you’ll have to give a definite answer to and stick with as a parent.

As a child gets older, it’s natural and reasonable for parents to expect to contribute to housework done around the house. For some parents, these contributions get tied to a payment or reward. For others, they are simply helping out as part of a family, and they shouldn’t get paid for that.

Paying for chores is one of those things you may not exactly be able to define as good or bad. A host of other factors may influence the outcome of this choice. Children can earn money for special or extra chores in our home while doing their regular daily responsibilities without any incentive. Families, the environment, and children’s personalities are different, which will play a role in understanding the concept of money when taught. Here is an article about talking to children about money

Benefits of Paying Children for Chores

Parents or guardians who offer payment to their children for doing chores have their reasons for doing so. Below are some of them:

  • Teaches children the value of work and pay. These parents believe paying for chores teaches children that they get rewarded when they work hard for something and do it properly. This lesson will be valuable in the real world; hence parents try to instill this value at a young age. Check out more about age-appropriate chores for children.
  • Might act as an incentive. The payment received is also supposed to motivate children to do their chores. While this is an excellent factor to consider, it might also backfire. Moreover, a study finds that payment isn’t a motivation for children to do their chores.
  • Will learn to save. Usually, the payment isn’t huge, so if the child wants to get something expensive, they’ll have to keep it. The habit of saving is essential as it teaches children to set money aside for important things they’ll like to do or purchase in the future. However, it is vital to note that just giving your child a regular allowance without an attachment to chores will also teach them the value of saving. Delayed gratification is an essential skill to learn.
  • They learn what it means to earn. By getting paid for performing a task, children understand what it means to make money. It may boost their confidence and build an early mindset of seeking to earn. Some children may even seek to do extra chores or work if they need more money. They know they’ll get paid if they can find something to do or offer a service.

Here we discuss more pocket money and allowances.

Disadvantages of paying children for chores

On the flip side, here’s why some parents don’t agree with paying children for chores.

  • Children might start to feel obligated for payment. As members of a household, it is only expected you get asked to do some chores. These parents believe that paying for them teaches children the wrong idea about money. They’ll assume that they will get paid for every task they do at home or help someone. While it’s great to earn money, children should learn to be responsible and help out at home without looking out for any form of reward. They are part of a family and contribute to making life easier for everyone around them first.
  • They may refuse to do chores if they don’t need money. Offering your child money for doing chores can be interpreted as “if I don’t want the money, I shouldn’t do the chores.” As children get older, they tend to be more rebellious. If they feel like they don’t need the money, they tend to slack off on doing chores or not getting them done at all. This situation can be tricky to deal with and might stress you as a parent.
  • Makes them selfish. While parents may feel earning money is important, some don’t think paying for chores is the best way to teach them. Teaching the child that they are part of a family first is a top priority. Parents have to work so they’re able to pay bills and take care of the family. They also do chores around the house and sometimes help their elderly parents, and they don’t get paid for that. This realistic dynamic shows children that they are obligated to care for and contribute to everyone’s well-being as part of a family.
  • Chores seem like a job. Some people may argue that tasks at home are supposed to be a regular part of life and not something to be paid for. And that makes sense. You should make your bed every morning, do the dishes, and clean your home as an adult – teach children that these are everyday tasks performed at home. Paying for these chores will make them seem like a job instead of regular duties.
  • They may tell their friends. Your children may announce to their friends that they get a certain amount for doing their chores. Other children may grumble at their parents, who may not appreciate the disturbance.

Final Thoughts on Should You Pay Your Child To Do Chores

Paying your children for chores is up to you as a parent or guardian. Keep in mind that what you teach your children as they grow is essential. They can learn habits about money and care for the home from you as a parent. Examine the pros and cons of each answer to the above question and decide what will work best for you. You may also find it helpful to inform your children why you give them an allowance or pay them for chores. If you observe any unhealthy habits, correct them and teach them the right thing. For me, payment for chores is for things that are above and beyond being part of a team. Loading the dishwasher, being part of a team. Painting a room, is worthy of payment as it is something that I would otherwise spend time doing.