Founder and Editor Al Waters
Teenage development and welfare has always been part of my working life. I have spent over 25 years in a range of jobs with young people. Outdoor pursuits instructor to working in inner city youth schemes. Qualifying as a teacher and working in a challenging but rewarding residential school to now being a Senior Leader at a large independent school. I am invited to talk on the development of transferable skills and character at places ranging from the Houses of Parliament to international conferences.
I also have a nagging doubt that I am not doing what is best by my own children. No matter how hard I try. I have made mistakes yesterday and will again tomorrow. However I take massive pride in the effort I put in. I rarely take the easy option. I believe in doing the right thing, not the right thing for me, now.
So I don’t know all the answers. Parenting websites seem focussed on selling you things like bags. But I do know the questions and who to ask. I can see the bigger whole picture when it comes to a child. I am fortunate to have a network of colleagues who I trust and have seen first hand be excellent. In all of this I learnt that there are some key themes about children.
I hope that you find this site useful. Reading this will not make you perfect. It does not have magic answers. But it has suggestions and ideas to try from people who know what they are talking about and aren’t looking to take advantage of you. We aim to introduce things in a readable, but not superficial, way.